4 d

But trusting the frer more Wondfo v?

Test line was as dark as control line. ?

I don’t know if I just got a bad batch or what, but pregmate is always a squinter early. I’m so confused. Previous 2 chemicals I “implanted” around 7 dpo and tested positive 9 dpo. I stopped using frer after my chemical pregnancy because the association with lines getting lighter was too strong. I took both a wondfo and a FRER yesterday but at different times and although they both showed positive, the wondfo was much lighter. a1 vac and sew Faint but there and suggests they are good early tests although the internet says the dye qualities can vary. But trusting the frer more Wondfo vs FRER- found this info on Countdown So I found a post on CountdowntoPregnancy: "I've been getting good positives with FRER since 11 dpo, but … Anyone ever get very faint looking lines on wondfo but frer negative and actually turn out to be pregnant. I've been using wondfo also and they stay about the same darkness for 2-3 days and then get a couple shades darker. With my 1st pregnancy, FRER was negative the day before AF was due, I took a CBE about 2 days later and it was a very strong BFP! I never even tried FRER with my 2nd or 3rd pregnancies. But all of those pregnancy tests can get pricey. whitley county ky busted newspaper Wondfos are getting darker (OPKs, too—yes I'm peeing on everything 😂 ), but the FRERs are. They are both pretty sensitive and similar. By 13dpo, the test line was as dark as the control line. Next day, same faint line on FRER, slightly darker but still very, very light line on Wondfo. My temperature also dropped really low today. The line is so faint but came up well within in, I doubt it will even show on here. homes for sale wichita ks zillow All three have faint lines. ….

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